This is our game.

Mission statement: "We are not making it product."

OK, I've got it.

This is the best analogy to announce our game with.

What is this video is to music, performance, expression, craft, delivery, sincerity, consideration, presentation, respect, humour, intention, talent, experience, uniqueness, arrangement, pleasure, coherence, precedent and 'quality', is what our game is to video games.

Regardless. You won't find much like it elsewhere. And ours so far is the only place to come and get it from...



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"What is this video is to music..." I guess the care that you took to write and proofread that sentence kind of supports your point.

How often were either of you Jim Ward during development? Taking the project overly seriously, being seemingly oblivious and unaware of the big picture of the chaotic mess around you that your were carefully and considerately contributing to.

: p